
  • All products are made to order. We do not accept returns, refunds or exchanges. 
  • We will only ship to the address provided for shipping at checkout. There will be no address changes. Zero exceptions. 
  • We reserve the right to cancel and refund any order at anytime. 
  • We are NOT responsible for Shipping delays. 
  • We can and will combine any orders at our discretion.
  • If you need to add to your order, we will add to an open order so long as your request is made within 24 hours of your previous order.
  • We offer a rush option. If you need your order shipped same to next day, you'll be required to add the rush listing to your order. This cannot be added after checkout. 
  • Shipping labels are printed the day before shipping, there are times a shipping label may be printed late on a Friday evening but will not be picked up until Monday as we only ship Mon-Fri, excluding Holidays. 
  • From time to time, we send out coupon codes, we reserve the right to cancel those codes at any time if we suspect abuse of them. 
  • If you have an issue with your order, please email us at stripsnstitches@gmail.com or use the chat feature on our website. We usually respond relatively quick, but please allow up to 24 hours to get a response.